The fire code allows residents to have a small recreational fire at their residences.
Burning Instructions:
The fire code allows residents to have a small recreational fire at their residences.
Burning Instructions:
- The fuel area cannot exceed 3ft diameter by 2ft in height.
- Burning of dry, clean, natural materials.
- No garbage, plastics, rubber, oils or construction waste.
- Verify it is a “Green” burn day by checking the air quality forecast.
- Keep open fires 25 feet from structures or combustible materials. Fires contained in an improved barbecue pit or portable outdoor fireplace require a minimum of 15 feet of clearance. Liquid propane or natural gas pits or grills require 10 feet of clearance.
- Have a method of extinguishment readily available. Keep a garden hose or bucket of water close by.
- Fires must be constantly attended until fully extinguished.